
To achieve our donation goals, we have items and services available via guest tables, silent auctions, in-game rerolls/nat 20s, and our convention store. And don’t forget the supply drive!

Premium Tables

Guests run Premium Tables that have a flat, additional donation. Simply sign-up for a guest table with an additional ticket cost, and you’re set!

Silent Auction

We’ll have an exciting collection of items and services available in our silent auction. This physical auction is available in our free vendor hall.

Have something you think would make a great auction or raffle prize? Fill out this 10,000 Lakes Gaming item donation form and we’ll be in contact with you! You may also email to donate it. Item donations are tax deductible!

Tubman Supply Drive

We have a supply drive for Tubman each year. Please bring items as per Tubman’s General Wish List guide, which includes household supplies. Visit Tubman’s donation page for additional details on what their organization is looking for.

Receive a star sticker on your badge for every ~$5 worth of physical items (donated via convention headquarters), up to a maximum of 5 stars. These stars may confer in-game benefits during SkålCon! See the ‘In-Game Bonus’ section, below, for details. If desired, you may request a donation receipt for tax purposes.

Note that Tubman does not accept perishable food items. If you do bring a perishable food item, we will donate it to a local food shelter.

Convention Store

Located at convention headquarters in the vendor hall, SkålCon sells wares to support our charities. Check out our ‘$5 Shop’ of miscellaneous donated goodies. Or peruse SkålCon branded merch of poker chips (good for Hero Points!), dice, and t-shirts.

In-Game Bonuses

Right now, most in-game bonuses are for Paizo Organized Play. If you would like to accept similar tokens for any game you run, let your players know!

Paizo Organized Play Convention Bonuses

In-game bonuses are listed below, and are within the guidelines for organized play charity events.

  1. Rerolls – For $2, purchase a reroll token for yourself or other players at the table.
  2. Automatic Natural 20 – For $5, purchase a Natural 20 for yourself or other players at the table. (No, GMs cannot use an automatic natural 20)
  3. Physical Good Donations – Receive one star for every ~$5 worth of physical items donated via convention HQ; maximum 5 stars. Use the stars during the games you play for the following benefits:
    1. Pathfinder 2E: For every 1 star, you give out a hero point (similar to a glyph hero point).
    2. Pathfinder 1E/Starfinder: For every 1 star, when you use a reroll, that reroll gets a +1 bonus. Maximum +5, even when adding to GM stars.
  4. Vendor Incentive Program – The Vendor Incentive Program works for all vendors at our event, including SkålCon merchandise purchases and hotel food purchases.