You can now register for SkålCon 2021! Just click here to go to the registration site! Create an account (or sign-in if you have one) and click the ‘register’ button for the SkålCon 2021 event.
Be sure to review our COVID-19 policy when making the decision to attend in-person!
The registration is $25 for both in-person and online games. We’re still getting the full schedule entered in, but don’t worry – player sign-ups will happen later this month, so you have plenty of time to consider what games you’d like to play.
There’s also an option to pre-order a SkålCon t-shirt! We’ll only have a limited number of extra shirts available at the convention, so pre-ordering a shirt is the best way to get one. As always, all proceeds from SkålCon merchandise go to Tubman!

Lastly, online GM volunteers can use this form to select the games and slot times they would like to GM! Pick from scenarios already scheduled from our in-person convention schedule, or select your own favorite scenarios to run!