Registration for SkålCon 2024 Is Open!

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We’ve opened registration for SkålCon 2024!

We are using Tabletop Events for our registration system, and with it comes two badge types – Attendee and Volunteer badges. If you intend to volunteer as a GM, HQ, or other volunteer opportunities for at least 4 hours (i.e. the length of one gaming slot), you can register as a Volunteer badge for a $5 discount!

The schedule is still a work in progress, but we’re preparing a slate of Pathfinder and Starfinder games for you to GM and play. If you are volunteering, we’ll reach out to you to help fill those GM positions.

The Tabletop Events system also allows us to take game submissions. If there is a particular scenario you’d want to run, please submit that as a game! (Especially if you’re interested in Pathfinder 1E). We may not be able to accommodate many submissions this year due to space constraints, but we’re looking forward to seeing what people want to run.

Also new this year is a consuite! The details are in flux, but at a minimum there will be snacks. The consuite is only available to Volunteers, Staff, and Guests as a thank you for all their hard work!

Registration prices will increase closer to the convention, so be sure to register for SkålCon 2024 on Tabletop Events today!

Looking forward to gaming with you!

SkålCon Organizers