SkålCon & SkålCOnline 2022 – $5,000 Donated!

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SkålCon and SkålCOnline attendees – congratulations! Together we raised $5,000 for Tubman and Pawsitivity Service Dogs!

This December, 10,000 Lakes Gaming (the 501(c)(3) organization that hosts the SkålCons) sent out the checks to Tubman and Pawsitivity Service Dogs – $2,500 each. We’ve received lovely thank you notes from these organizations; here are some excerpts:


We appreciate this support and know that this gift will provide a Safe place for our clients, Hope in a better future, and Healing from the past. …

Every year, more than 20,000 people seek help at Tubman due to fear and violence, broken connections and often being hurt by the people closest to them. Because of you, we can continue meeting the need for services such as safe shelter, housing, legal services, mental and chemical health programs, youth outreach and intervention, violence prevention education and so much more.

And thanks to this support, we can continue offering these life-changing services both virtually and in-person, with health and safety protocols in place to protect the wellbeing of the people we serve, and the people serving.

– Jennifer J. Polzin, Chief Executive Officer

Pawsitivity Service Dogs

Thank you for your generous $2,500.00 grant to Pawsitivity Service Dogs. 100% of your donation will be used to train service dogs for U.S. military veterans…

Partnering with a service dog means that a veteran can leave the house with their head held high, with less need for medication, better mental health, and a whole new outlook on life. Today, your fit has made that possible — more veterans will partner with the life-changing service dogs they deserve.

– Tom Coleman, Executive Director

Again, a big thanks to all of the attendees of both SkålCon and SkålCOnline for making this happen!

Upcoming Events

10,000 Lakes Gaming is providing RPG supplies for the Pathfinder/Starfinder organized play games at Con of the North, February 17-19. We look forward to seeing you there!

SkålCon 2023 will be Sept. 29th – Oct. 1st 2023. Dates for SkålCOnline 2023 are TBD. Stay tuned for hotel and registration updates after we’ve wrapped up Con of the North!